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![]() Attribute: Str.: Cha.: Per.: Dex.: Man.: Int.: Sta.: App.: Wit.: Abilities: Virtues: Com.: 0 Tem.: 5 Con.: 5 Val.: 3 Willpower: 10 Essenz: ( / ) Backgrounds: Combat Statistics: Initiative: Combat Pool: Dodge Pool: PV: DV: Soak: General CharmsSUSTENANCECost: 3 motes Duration: Instant Type: Simple Minimum Temperance: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Prerequisite Charms: None The spirit must touch a mortal in order to activate this Charm. This does not involve a Brawl or Martial Arts check, as this Charm works only on a sleeping mortal. After the spirit touches the target, roll its Wits + Temperance. For each success, the spirit devours 1 mote of Essence. This Charm always involves some other method of sustenance as well. The spirit might feed on the dreams and nightmares of the mortal — or on her breath. Whatever the spirit feeds on does not harm the mortal, although it might have mild (and temporary) effects when the mortal wakes up. Even if the spirit does not regain the Essence it spent, it still feels satiated from the other part of its meal. STEAL SUSTENANCECost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower Duration: Instant Type: Simple Minimum Temperance: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Prerequisite Charms: Sustenance The spirit must touch a sleeping mortal in order to activate this Charm. Roll the spirit’s Strength + Temperance. At least two successes are required. Not only does this Charm steal 2 motes of Essence per success, but it also devours something that leaves the mortal impaired in some way — hearing, sight, etc. — although it leaves the body apparently unharmed. Only supernatural healing of some sort restores the loss; it never heals normally. Even if the spirit does not replenish the Essence it spent, it feels satiated. HURRY HOMECost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Minimum Temperance: 2 Minimum Essence: 1 Prerequisite Charms: None With a successful Wits + Temperance check, a spirit may escape whatever situation it is in and return to its own home — what exactly constitutes the spirit’s home is a matter for Storyteller discretion. The more tense and hurried the situation, the more successes the spirit requires. One success is all that’s needed in a relaxed, quiet setting. Five successes take the spirit home even in the middle of a combat. TABOOCost: 20, +5 per additional rule, 1 willpower Duration: One year Type: Simple Minimum Temperance: 5 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms: Hurry Home The god with knowledge of this Charm has an excellent way of protecting and enforcing his rule inside his own abode by setting a number of specific rules that give him power over the acts of someone within the confines of their home. The spirit may choose to place taboos on the place (usually their sanctum, although more powerful spirits can actually place these powerful rules upon Manses that they own) of their residence. These are rules that the spirit designates and that must be followed. The spirit must first write down each of the rules he intends to enforce on a parchment that must be clearly visible to anyone wishing to enter the sanctum or Manse (and multiple parchments are necessary if there is more than one entrance to the place). The "parchement" need not be actual paper. It may be written in stone, or wood--as long it is prominent. It must be uncyphered and in a language the Spirit knows. Ignorance of the language by visitors or intruders does not nullify the Charm's effects. The taboos may be certain words that cannot be spoken, actions that cannot be taken or even beings that may not enter. The spirit spends 20 motes of Essence and 1 Willpower point for the first rule, and an additional 5 motes of Essence for every additional rule he wishes to enforce, and then places the parchments at each entrance, hidden or otherwise, of his sanctum or Manse. Once this is done, for the duration of a year, these rules are the Law of the spirit's home, and only the spirit himself can break the taboo (and even that costs the spirit a point of Willpower and lasts only a scene). The parchments can only be destroyed by magical means, or magically enhanced attacks. A parchment has (Spirit's Essence + Temperance) in Lethal soak and twice that in Bashing, and it treats Aggravated damage as Lethal. An intelligent spirit will put as one of her taboos that their parchments may not be touched or tampered with in any form, and so are able to condemn those that even attempt to affect the parchment; and even those that do manage to destroy it in one blow will still feel the repercussions of breaking the taboo at least once. The Essence spent to activate this Charm is not committed, except for a small charge of 1 mote per additional parchment that the spirit has in his abode beyond the first (i.e. number of parchments minus 1). The effects of breaking a taboo are generally up to the Storyteller, but things such as being struck by elemental attacks, becoming mute for a determined amount of time or even being cursed with something related to the taboo are all common. Beings with a higher Essence than the lawmaker can break such laws and taboos without repercussions for a scene by spending a point of Willpower and making a Willpower roll against a difficulty equal to the spirit's Essence. CursesTINY DAMNATIONCost: 5 motes Duration: One day Type: Simple Minimum Valor: 1 Minimum Essence: 1 Prerequisite Charms: None The effects of this Charm always fade by the next morning’s sunrise, and it may not be cast more than once per day on the same target. Some possible curses:
Ability checks (not Charm checks) that relate to the way in which the target offended the spirit. IMPRECATIONCost: 10 motes Duration: One week Type: Simple Minimum Valor: 1 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisite Charms: Tiny Damnation The effects of this Charm last for one week, and it may not be cast more than once per week on the same target. Some possible curses:
MALEDICTIONCost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower Duration: One week Type: Simple Minimum Valor: 2 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms: Imprecation The effects of this Charm last for one week, and it may not be used on a target more than once every two weeks. Some possible effects:
SCOURGECost: 20 motes, 1 permanent Willpower Duration: Instant Type: Simple Minimum Valor: 3 Minimum Essence: 5 Prerequisite Charms: Malediction This curse is never cast lightly, and it may not be cast more than once per year. Only spirits that have been drastically wronged in heinous ways would consider using this curse (if just because they wouldn’t be able to cast it again for another year).
the effect may be permanent.
PossessionPOSSESSIONCost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower Duration: One scene Type: Simple Minimum Conviction: 4 Minimum Essence: 1 Prerequisite Charms: None Roll the spirit’s Manipulation + Conviction in an extended resisted action against the target’s Willpower. When the spirit gains more successes than the victim has temporary Willpower, the spirit takes possession of the target for the rest of the scene. Successes accumulate for the duration of the scene. More powerful versions of this Charm exist, which allow spirits to “hollow out” a being’s soul and possess him indefinitely. SOUL RAPTCost: 10 motes, 2 Willpower Duration: indefinite Type: Simple Minimum Conviction: 5 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms: Possession As the Possession spirit Charm, roll the spirit’s Manipulation + Conviction against the target’s Willpower in a resisted action. If the spirit gains more successes than the target has temporary Willpower, then the initial possession succeeds. As long as the spirit occupies the victim, temporary Willpower cannot be regained. The possessing spirit must relinquish control of the victims body at least once per week, though it isn’t necessary to abandon the victim. The spirit must make the attempt to regain control of the victim by repeating the initial possession roll. After each month of possession, the victim loses one point of Willpower permanently. If a spirit fails in its attempt to regain control of its victim, the spirit is expelled, and the victim cannot be possessed by that spirit again. |