From Anu Anu RPG

Exalted: LunarCharms2nd

Body Arsenal

 - Prerequisites: Dex Excellency

Arsenal of Luna

 - Prerequisites: Str Excellency

Moonsilver Arsenal of Luna

 - Prerequisites: Body Arsenal , Arsenal of Luna

Moonsilver Blessing of Luna

 - Prerequisites: Moonsilver Arsenal of Luna

Armor of Living Bone

 - Prerequisites: Sta Excellency

Ox-Horn-pinching Maneuver?

 - Prerequisites: Body Arsenal

Shape of an Arrow

 - Prerequisites: Body Arsenal 

The Stone in the Bark

 - Prerequisites: Sta Excellency

Arms of Kali

 - Prerequisites: Dex Excellency

Sense the Shape of Battle

 - Prerequisites: Wits Excellency

Prana of Elastic Shape

 - Prerequisites: Dex Excellency

Perfect Sensory Shape

 - Prerequisites: Per Excellency

Evasive Shape Change

 - Prerequisites: Per Excellency, Dex Excellency

Flowing like hardened Steel?

 - Prerequisites: Evasive Shape, Ox-Horn-pinching Maneuver

Winged Shape?

 - Prerequisites: Sta Excellency, Dex Excellency

Shape of thousand Wings?

 - Prerequisites: Winged Shape

Shape of Fog

 - Prerequisites: Shape of thousand Wings

Hybrid Form

 - Prerequisites: -

Shape of the Primordial Hunter

 - Prerequisites: Hybrid Form

Shape restoring Mien

 - Prerequisites: Hybrid Form

Shape Gravity?

 - Prerequisites: Dex Excellency

Shape Mood

 - Prerequisites: Cha Excellency

Shapeing the Pack

 - Prerequisites: Cha Excellency

Shape of the Alpha?

 - Prerequisites: Shapeing the Pack

Alpha“s Controll?

 - Prerequisites: Shape of the Alpha

Pack of Luna?

 - Prerequisites: Shapeing the Pack

Wispers on the Wind?

 - Prerequisites: Per Excellency

Lunar Lore?

 - Prerequisites: Pack of Luna,Wispers on the Wind

Moonsilver Shaping?

 - Prerequisites: -

Tatoo Cuting Method?

 - Prerequisites: Moonsilver Shaping

Tatoo of Lunas Favor

 - Prerequisites: Tatoo Cuting Method,Lunar Lore

Tatoo of Lunas Blessing?

 - Prerequisites: Tatoo of Lunas Favor

Beast Speach?

 - Prerequisites: 
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Page last modified on May 15, 2006, at 06:15 PM